
Support Offerings

Signing up with m'apps SFA automatically includes the Standard Support level for all technical issue resolution on the product. The standard support is sufficient for getting your users activated & getting up and running the application on their mobile device. The Standard Support package included with the product gives you access to our support helpdesk guaranteeing quick response including same day resolution.

You may reach our technical helpdesk for any troubleshooting related queries at:

Or Call Technical Support Helpdesk at

  • Call us: +91 120 4533925

m'apps SFA also offers additional support plan as - Platinum Support Package for your additional needs that requires instant response & resolution times to your users.

This is the ideal support package for large user base installations or organizations requiring instant support all the time.

The platinum support package is available for m'apps SFA enterprise customers for an additional fee. The platinum support includes prioirty response also including access to the technical team working on the product. Platinum Support is recommended for customers having large deployment user base of the m'apps SFA product or where the implementation is a mission critical application.